I had the spinach and butternut tortellini to start, for mains linefish wrapped in rice paper on the lightest risotto ever, and poached pear with walnut and blue cheese crumble for pudding. Thats a lot of eating. Dessert was okay, I don't know what I was thinking ordering boiled fruit, I should have had the chocolate torte. But my starter and mains had me almost licking the plate.
But to enjoy yourself, you really can't spend too much time thinking about your R24 glass of Wolftrap. Just let it go, enjoy your meal, and bring out the plastic to pay. Tito Mboweni will love you.

Some of the conversation topics included…
Gratutious penis shots
Smooth vs Not Smooth
Crystal Skulls
The Mayan Calendar
The Anti-Christ
The Apocalpse
The Second Coming
The Collective Consciousness
100 Monkeys
The Role of a Mother
Who Killed the Electric Car
Why are we burning fossil fuels instead of cow poo
Worm farms
Turning off the lights
Learn Spanish and move to Spain - anything but Australia
Fake Guess handbags
Written warnings
Indesign is crap, and Freehand will forever rule
The price of books
We sure do cover some interesting topics at bookclub! What a list! Add Mugabe, Porn-swap and the new Sex in the City movie (but that was at pre-drinks, not sure if it counts).
It sure does! Catholic guilt was another.
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